Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Bandcamp New Releases for October 2017

Greetings Greetings SDC RADIOWORKS, 
Oscar Garza, William Mcgiven (Frission Radio), and 8 others bought new music on Bandcamp:
  1. Riffcraft Cover Art

    by Moon Mother

    “Smoooooooooth bluesy FFOBR of the doom variety ! Those vocals will melt you .”paul rote
  2. Aromanticism Cover Art

    by Moses Sumney

    Bought by Philip Graham
    “This haunting and unusual music utterly, completely belongs to the artist. And yet paradoxically it digs deep into a listener's hidden spaces. Soul music indeed.” Favorite track: Quarrel
  3. Live in Sant' Anna Arresi Cover Art

    Live in Sant' Anna Arresi
    by Summit Quartet

    Bought by John Cratchley
    “Four fiercely inventive minds challenging their own, and each others, preconceptions...funky and thick as molasses...delicate and ethereal as smoke...razor-sharp invention...all in the moment, all in the balance...huge.”
  4. An empty bliss beyond this World Cover Art
  5. the "in the world" Cover Art
  6. RELAXIN' with Lolina Cover Art
  7. Ruins Cover Art
  8. Momma - Mali Hayes (ft. Jermaine) Cover Art
  9. Hate On Me Cover Art
  10. How We Handle Our Midnights Cover Art
  11. For What I Don't Become Cover Art
  12. The Name of this Band is E-JAIL Cover Art
  13. Sleep Heavy Cover Art
  14. Delicate Cover Art
  15. Hiss Spun Cover Art
You have a new follower:
Finally, here are some fans you might like to follow:
  • Juju Sophie
    Oxford, UK
    Followed by Ethan Diamond, Moni and 4 others.
  • Kristy Diaz
    Leicester, UK
    Followed by Oscar Garza, Laura Ward and 2 others.
  • Tim Shiel
    Melbourne, Australia
    Followed by Andrew Jervis
  • Alasdair Duncan
    Glasgow, UK
    Followed by John Bloor and Ally Jane Grossan
  • Music Is My Sanctuary
    Montreal, Québec
    Followed by Moni
  • Baba Matt
    Followed by Kristian S. Larsson and Master Harker
  • derek wetenkamp

    Followed by Amanda J
  • Future 80's Records
    Followed by Kristian S. Larsson
  • Illingsworth
    Detroit, Michigan
    Followed by Moni and M.D.L.
  • 初恋ビート
    Tokyo, Japan
    Followed by Osamu Takeuchi, Gary Sleith and 4 others.
  • Dannel Jurado
    New York
    Followed by William Mcgiven (Frission Radio)
  • Jan-Dirk Platek
    Velbert, Germany
    Followed by Francois Leduc and Master Harker
  • Craig Kerley
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Followed by William Mcgiven (Frission Radio), Laura Ward and 6 others.
  • Andy O)))
    Louisville, Kentucky
    Followed by Kristian S. Larsson
  • Jonathan
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Followed by Héctor Hurtado Grooscors

bandcamp logo, and 8 others bought new music on Bandcamp:
  1. Riffcraft Cover Art

    by Moon Mother

    “Smoooooooooth bluesy FFOBR of the doom variety ! Those vocals will melt you .”paul rote
  2. Aromanticism Cover Art

    by Moses Sumney

    Bought by Philip Graham
    “This haunting and unusual music utterly, completely belongs to the artist. And yet paradoxically it digs deep into a listener's hidden spaces. Soul music indeed.” Favorite track: Quarrel
  3. Live in Sant' Anna Arresi Cover Art

    Live in Sant' Anna Arresi
    by Summit Quartet

    Bought by John Cratchley
    “Four fiercely inventive minds challenging their own, and each others, preconceptions...funky and thick as molasses...delicate and ethereal as smoke...razor-sharp invention...all in the moment, all in the balance...huge.”
  4. An empty bliss beyond this World Cover Art
  5. the "in the world" Cover Art
  6. RELAXIN' with Lolina Cover Art
  7. Ruins Cover Art
  8. Momma - Mali Hayes (ft. Jermaine) Cover Art
  9. Hate On Me Cover Art
  10. How We Handle Our Midnights Cover Art
  11. For What I Don't Become Cover Art
  12. The Name of this Band is E-JAIL Cover Art
  13. Sleep Heavy Cover Art
  14. Delicate Cover Art
  15. Hiss Spun Cover Art
You have a new follower:
Finally, here are some fans you might like to follow:
  • Juju Sophie
    Oxford, UK
    Followed by Ethan Diamond, Moni and 4 others.
  • Kristy Diaz
    Leicester, UK
    Followed by Oscar Garza, Laura Ward and 2 others.
  • Tim Shiel
    Melbourne, Australia
    Followed by Andrew Jervis
  • Alasdair Duncan
    Glasgow, UK
    Followed by John Bloor and Ally Jane Grossan
  • Music Is My Sanctuary
    Montreal, Québec
    Followed by Moni
  • Baba Matt
    Followed by Kristian S. Larsson and Master Harker
  • derek wetenkamp

    Followed by Amanda J
  • Future 80's Records
    Followed by Kristian S. Larsson
  • Illingsworth
    Detroit, Michigan
    Followed by Moni and M.D.L.
  • 初恋ビート
    Tokyo, Japan
    Followed by Osamu Takeuchi, Gary Sleith and 4 others.
  • Dannel Jurado
    New York
    Followed by William Mcgiven (Frission Radio)
  • Jan-Dirk Platek
    Velbert, Germany
    Followed by Francois Leduc and Master Harker
  • Craig Kerley
    Atlanta, Georgia
    Followed by William Mcgiven (Frission Radio), Laura Ward and 6 others.
  • Andy O)))
    Louisville, Kentucky
    Followed by Kristian S. Larsson
  • Jonathan
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    Followed by Héctor Hurtado Grooscors

bandcamp logo

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